Cherry & Ryan’s Hypnobirth

“… for someone who was terrified to have a vaginal birth at all, Ryan and I are so proud of what we achieved as a couple.” Just wanted to let you know that baby James David McManamon arrived earthside on April 1st at 11.04am!

Tessa and Jacob’s hospital water birth and 2nd hynobirth

“There was instant relief when I hit the water and Layne was out nice and quickly with just a second degree tear and no problems to my episiotomy I had with Remi. I just wanted to share with you how beautiful my second birth was with our second baby girl Layne….

Katrina and Michael’s Powerful and Empowering 3.5 Hour Birth

“While we never set out for a natural birth, I am so grateful – and still processing – every part of our birth and how we brought our little man, Lenny, into the world on the 22 November 2021. We never had a set plan (healthiest and safest way), but I can say we did it as calm as possible, and thankful to have experienced a very short, powerful and empowering 3.5 hour birth.”

Lauren’s Beautiful, Positive, Accidental Homebirth

“I realised now there was no leaving, that window had passed. I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t hold her any longer. The safest thing was to keep going. My body was doing what it was designed to do and it was doing a great job!”

Georgia’s Intense, Empowering, Intervention Free Hypnobirth

“If it wasn’t for the education and empowerment we received from Kate through her hypnobirthing course, being lucky enough to be in the MGP program and having an amazing, supportive midwife who was a huge believer in hypnobirthing and natural birth, plus the support of Matt and the way he believed in me and supported me I don’t know if our birth would have turned out the way it did.”

Peta’s Empowered Hypnobirth

“I felt empowered and educated and in control (mostly haha) and having Tristan equipped with the tools he needed to get me through was invaluable…”
My waters broke spontaneously at 12:30am Sunday morning. It was just like in the movies, gushed all over the toilet floor

Dani’s Hypnobirth – Calmly Meeting Every Turn

We went into our birth feeling super excited and prepared. As our birth deviated from our plan bit by bit, Sam was a wonderful birth partner and helped keep me calm. He could not of been more helpful and that comes down to what he learnt on your course! So we’re very thankful!”

Elke’s Empowering Intervention Free Hypnobirth

“With continual inhales of clary sage and being on the toilet, things picked up super quick, Nina within the hour would be there. Lisa told me to feel, as I would feel Nina’s head bearing down, doing this gave me the extra strength I needed…”

Zarah’s Undisturbed Water birth at Home (Birth Video)

“From a moment that I had feared my whole life & even said I would try for a planned c section when I was younger to change into the most incredible & magical experience of my life is so amazing! 😍

Kyra’s Rapid Accidental Homebirth

“It was such an intense and unexpected experience, and was the best we could possibly have asked for. I can just see Brett sitting Madeline down on the family’s sacred birth rug every 31st December and telling her the story of how she came to be.”
Our baby girl arrived on New Years Eve in a very rapid fashion.