Tessa and Jacob’s hospital water birth and 2nd hynobirth

Birth Story by Tessa, Hypnobirthing Mum

“There was instant relief when I hit the water and Layne was out nice and quickly with just a second degree tear and no problems to my episiotomy I had with Remi.”

I just wanted to share with you how beautiful my second birth was with our second baby girl Layne….
This is how we progressed to a family of 4 and I thank you again for the tools and knowledge you gave us.
12:30 Tuesday waters broke – didn’t go into labour until Wednesday morning, 9am started early labour at the hospital checkup. This checkup was needed to make sure Layne wasn’t in distress as my waters broke but labour started but then stopped.
Went out to breakfast having a couple contractions and went to see Ryan my chiro after breakfast. Had a small contraction on the table and the oxytocin loop seemed to be going better and stronger than yesterday.
Went home and Jacob (partner) gave me a massage and I listened to some Hypnobirthing meditation and had a sleep. 
Woke up in labour finally! I put a comedy movie on and just kept moving and resting. 
Remi (first hypnobub) was due to come home from daycare when labour started kicking in consistently. With each surge I would breath my way to the top of it knowing that at that peak it was time to come down and relax. 
Laboured with music, candles and a fit ball on the bed. 
Tried the shower but didn’t like being in a small place. 
Waited for Remi to go to bed at 7pm and we were in the car by 7:30pm and on our way. Had surges hard and fast all the way from car to birth suit where Ebeth (midwife) was waiting with the door open and ready to go. 
Used Jacob to hold onto and swing off to get through labour as Ebeth was trying to get the intravenous antibiotics in. They fell out with the pressure though and I headed to the bath with Layne’s head crowning. There was instant relief when I hit the water and Layne was out nice and quickly with just a second degree tear and no problems to my episiotomy I had with Remi. 
Layne was born at 9:06pm and we left hospital at 1am. We stayed at the hospital for 5hrs to get paperwork sorted then were allowed to head home.
Remi woke at 7:30am to find her brand new sister waiting for her in mums arms ❤️
Such a better birth this time than with Remi. My midwife was absolutely amazing saying if I did not want to be induced again she would not mention it until after 43 weeks! 
Thanks again xo
Labour happened a bit too quick for photos and I was using Jacob so he couldn’t get any pics. This is the best I have 😅❤️

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