Megan’s Positive Induction Hypnobirth with Beautiful 9.2lb Bub

“… pushed a big 9.2 lbs bub, the doctors were so doubtful of me being able to push him out myself, but I proved them wrong.”

Kirstin’s Calm and Healing Hypnobirth with Induction

“I found it really manageable with all these techniques… 5 hours in and I instinctively wanted to change positions. I laid on my side on the bed with a peanut ball between my legs and on each contraction I internally rotated my top leg to open the lower half of my pelvis, allowing baby to move down.”

Katie’s Story of Baby Ayla’s Birth – A Magical Maternal Assisted CS Delivery

“When the time came, I was given long sterile gloves and the drape was lowered after baby’s head was out. She made the tiniest little noise but did not cry. The lights were dimmed and I reached over and grabbed her under her arms and pulled her out to my chest.”

Aoife’s Positive Hypnobirth

I was induced as baby was measuring small for dates and had stopped growing.
We ended up having a really positive experience…

Dani’s Hypnobirth – Calmly Meeting Every Turn

We went into our birth feeling super excited and prepared. As our birth deviated from our plan bit by bit, Sam was a wonderful birth partner and helped keep me calm. He could not of been more helpful and that comes down to what he learnt on your course! So we’re very thankful!”

Zoe’s Empowered and Informed Induction Birth Story

I was booked in to be induced on the 24th (my due date). My waters were broken and then had the syntocinon drip to bring on labour. The surges came on pretty quickly.

Cara’s Positive Induction Birth Story

We had a New Year’s surprise… our little hypno bub came early 💙 Meet Lenny Thomas McGilvray born 2/1/21. 3.3kg all happy and healthy 🤗 
It wasn’t the birth that we had planned, but took everything on board and made it very positive. 

Yolonda’s Positive Induction

Our birth was completely opposite to what we had imagined. But hypnobirthing gave us the confidence and knowledge to make the right decisions for ourselves. We ended up getting induced due to being over due 41 +3 days, as well as elevated blood pressure. We tried everything we could from 40 to 41 + 3 weeks to bring on labour naturally but our little one was way too comfy in there.

The Hypnobirth of Rahnee – A Positive Induction Story

I was induced at 42 weeks as I had early labour on and off for 4 days beforehand that wouldn’t turn into actual labour.
Our birth started on the 14th Feb where I had 2 lots of gels in the afternoon/night. I had intense contractions (aka surges) all night (and got no sleep) but Ven set up our room with nice candles and I just listened to my calming music and hypnobirthing tracks, focusing on my breathing all night and taking the surges one at a time.