Peta’s Empowered Hypnobirth

Birth Story by Peta, Hypnobirthing Mum

I felt empowered and educated and in control (mostly haha) and having Tristan equipped with the tools he needed to get me through was invaluable…”

My waters broke spontaneously at 12:30am Sunday morning. It was just like in the movies, gushed all over the toilet floor 😂 Fluid looked pinky/clear so we waited until 5am and then got checked at the hospital. They thought there may have been meconium, but I was sure it wasn’t and eventually after a few checks they sent us home to see if I would go into labour naturally and if not they wanted me to go in at 5am the next morning to talk about inducement. 
Contractions were mild and slow all morning. Tristan cooked a big meal, I bounced on the ball, used pressure points, birth affirmations and “surge of the sea”. Went for a walk on the beach and also rested a bit. Things started to heat up around 8pm where I started using my tens machine, meditations, with Tristan doing light touch and anchor touch and supporting me through. As it stepped up I was on the bed, leaning over the ball, the bathroom bench and on the bed. I couldn’t be upright, had to lean on something.
Finally around 3am we decided it was time to go in. First thing I was told was by the way I was labouring I wasn’t ready to go to birth suite…but of course when I was checked she could see hair! I was 4cm and progressing quickly. 
They wanted me to do an antibiotic drip due to PPROM, which I declined as I didn’t want to be attached to a drip. We ended up in birth suite around 5am where I laboured leaning on the bath and bed, but also on a mat on the floor with the peanut ball between my legs. We had set up our music and some battery powered lights and our diffuser (sounds only) and had the Hypnobirthing tracks playing. Tristan was by my side reassuring me and supporting me through every contraction. I vividly remember our intense eye contact and the love and support I felt from him as he carried me through each one.
They filled the bath but wanted me to sign a waiver as I declined the antibiotic drip and they were concerned as my waters had been broken for over 24 hours. I was in the thick of my labour and ended up deciding to do the drip (one thing I did feel pressured to do), but by the time they got the drip in I was too far along to even think about getting in the bath. I was microsleeping between contractions. I asked for some gas, which kind of helped with my breathing. 
I was on the floor mat crying to Tristan saying I can’t do this babe I need the epidural…and yes I was transitioning. Suddenly I could feel her head coming down and I screamed ‘she’s coming!’ So then I was up on the bed leaning against the back on my knees and wow oh wow the intensity!! Pushing almost felt less painful than the contractions just before it, because I had a real purpose and could feel her coming. I looked up at Tristan, completely determined and said ‘I can do this‘.
She was coming a bit too slow though and I could still feel her feet up in my tummy. I was so exhausted I had to continue pushing laying on my side with the peanut ball. It was here they told me her heart rate was dropping with each contraction and taking longer to come back up each time. She was tired, I was tired and they suggested intervention. I knew my options and I decided that I knew she felt stuck and I was worried about her heart rate so I consented to vaccum & forceps feeling completely comfortable with my decision and knowing it was the best for my baby.
Suddenly the lights were on and the room was filled with people…stirrups, vaginal exams…the works! But again I was happy with my decision because I knew she needed a little help to come out. Vaccum tried twice and no success. Forceps went in and nothing the first time, but the second time I beared down and gave the biggest push and used all my energy down toward her and I felt her coming out. She had the cord around her neck which explained why she was having trouble coming down. 
A purple darling baby was put onto my tummy and after some poking and prodding she let out a huge cry and looked up at me. They moved her onto my chest and it was the most amazing feeling. Unfortunately my episiotomy had torn further (we did hear about this!!) and I needed to go to surgery so we had to cut the cord fairly quickly. I tried to breastfeed and the midwife hand expressed some colostrum from me. 
Despite a dramatic entrance into the world, she was breathing on her own, turned a nice pink and got 9 on her APGAR score! I was reunited with Tristan and my darling girl – Sienna Dominique Williscroft – a few hours later and oh my gosh I’m so in love with her. Even though some people would refer to my birth as traumatic, I don’t feel it was. I found a confidence and a strength so far down deep within myself and I felt empowered and educated and in control (mostly haha) and having Tristan equipped with the tools he needed to get me through was invaluable and we owe that to Kate & Hypnobirthing 🥰

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