Zarah’s Undisturbed Water birth at Home (Birth Video)

“From a moment that I had feared my whole life & even said I would try for a planned c section when I was younger, to change into the most incredible & magical experience of my life, is so amazing! 😍
Being surrounded by nature, fairy lights, candles, the most supportive husband, feeling empowered with all the knowledge you taught us & getting to pull my own baby out straight onto my chest was literally the best day ever & a day I will forever cherish! Thank you 🙏🏼🥰♥️🌈✨”
Zarah Positively Hypnobirthing Mum

Zarah and James’ Birth Vlog including Birth Video

So excited to share Zarah and James’ birth vlog below that includes their beautiful undisturbed water birth at home (time stamp – 19mins).
They totally rocked their birth… putting time and effort into creating a beautiful environment, connecting and working together as a team, allowing mum to follow the lead of her body & tune in to her baby… it was truly awesome.
Thank you Zarah and James for sharing such special moment where you meet your beautiful baby for the first time. You have inspired other mums-to-be to go and achieve their positive birth and build trust in their body.
Also, Zarah, so excited that you achieved your dream of reaching down and receiving your baby.
Positively Hypnobirthing Couple Group Hypnobirthing Course Gold Coast
“We honestly are forever grateful for you Kate! Your passion & amazing positive energy throughout your course. 🙌🏼
The amazing wealth of knowledge you share & helping people change their perception of birth so that it can be appreciated as the incredible moment it truly is! 😍 ♥️ 🌈 ✨
So glad I was able to have my dream of pulling baby out into the world 😍
MASSIVE THANK YOU TO KATE for your course! Definitely the best decision we made!”

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