Dani’s Hypnobirth – Calmly Meeting Every Turn

Birth Story by Dani, Hypnobirthing Mum

“We just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your help with the course. We went into our birth feeling super excited and prepared. As our birth deviated from our plan bit by bit, Sam was a wonderful birth partner and helped keep me calm. He could not of been more helpful and that comes down to what he learnt on your course! So we’re very thankful!”

Here’s a lil lowdown on my actual birth…  My waters broke on Sunday the 3rd, but after over 30 hours of no labour despite using a lot of the techniques, we made the decision to be induced and use syntocinon as we were concerned for baby. 
After using all our tracks and many techniques, including lots of acupressure for nearly 12 hours, the surges were so intense. I first got the sterile water injections, then hours later got the epidural, as my contractions had really ramped up. I was having 7 contractions in 10 minutes with very little rest. After many more hours and very little progression, it was finally time to push. After 2.5 hours, baby’s position had changed into posterior and despite our best efforts and breathing techniques we weighed up our options… the doctors came in and Sam and I decided to use the vacuum to help our baby through.
We finally met our baby boy Huxley and spent our first moments with amazing skin on skin. The birth was quite intense and I then haemorrhaged and was taken to theatre, but still got to spend quality skin on skin with our beautiful boy. Then after I came out I was informed Huxley had received a 7cm cut on his head from the vacuum and was in the SCU for a few hours, which was traumatic. He then got jaundice, so we ended up spending 5 days in hospital. I then ended up back in 2 days later as my stitches were infected. I am now on antibiotics, so hopefully it will clear up soon and Huxley is recovering very well. 
Just wanted to update you and say thank you again. Sam and I took so much from your course despite our birth taking a few turns. Each decision we made was controlled and always our decision, which we felt was best for me and our baby. We never felt pressured by anyone as we had control of the situation and asked questions and challenged decisions when needed. Sam really had the confidence to control  the room and make sure every decision was best for our birth and health of me and baby Huxley as well as keeping me calm with breathing prompts, acupressure and managing the environment with all the tools. 
Thanks so much!
Dani and Sam 

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