Cherry & Ryan’s Hypnobirth

Birth Story by Cherry, Hypnobirthing Mum

… for someone who was terrified to have a vaginal birth at all, Ryan and I are so proud of what we achieved as a couple.”

Just wanted to let you know that baby James David McManamon arrived earthside on April 1st at 11.04am!
We started our 2 weekly reflexology techniques for cervical prep on March 29th at 7pm. I went into labour 5 hrs later. We went into MAC at about 9am as I wasn’t sure if it was false labour or real. IT WAS REAL!
We went home and stayed at home for 44 hours using home comforts, baths, showers, birth ball, massage and my TENs machine- (which was amazing for the surges when they started to gain intensity). 
Ryan was amazing at advocating for us and our preferences! He was by my side the entire time. As all plans they all have their curve balls and at the 50 hr mark of labour I was exhausted and so opted for an epidural to try and get some rest. Unfortunately by the time I got it I was already 8cm dilated and in hindsight I would have preferred to just keep going. But I was able to get 2 hrs rest before turning the epidural off and get ready to start pushing.
He ended up getting slightly stuck and needing some assistance with the vacuum to get out.
However for someone who was terrified to have a vaginal birth at all, Ryan and I are so proud of what we achieved as a couple. Our beautiful baby boy was born and placed onto my chest and I just felt this empowering feeling over me. Ryan kept saying to me ‘he’s here’ ‘you did it’ and I’m so proud of you’. We were both emotional wrecks at this point. There truly is no feeling comparable to becoming a mum and dad for the first time! 
Thank you so much for getting us to this point and supporting us through this journey into pure Euphoria.
We will be recommending your course to EVERYONE we know! 

Join my Gold Coast Group Hypnobirthing Course