Birth Stories

Read the inspiring birth stories below shared by Positively Hypnobirthing mums who’ve gone through the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course with Kate…
Kyra’s Rapid Accidental Homebirth

“It was such an intense and unexpected experience, and was the best we could possibly have asked for. I can just see Brett sitting Madeline down on the family’s sacred birth rug every 31st December and telling her the story of how she came to be.”
Our baby girl arrived on New Years Eve in a very rapid…

Kim’s 3 Hour Hypnobirth With Low Lying Placenta

I was approximately 10 days overdue and there was pressure coming from my OB to do an induction, however this was something I strongly was against and knew that our little man was happy and healthy and was coming when he was ready… 

Cara’s Positive Induction Birth Story

We had a New Year’s surprise… our little hypno bub came early 💙 Meet Lenny Thomas McGilvray born 2/1/21. 3.3kg all happy and healthy 🤗 
It wasn’t the birth that we had planned, but took everything on board and made it very positive. 

Regan’s Drug Free, Vaginal Birth

Baby Oscar was born on 14 November and I was able to have the drug free vaginal birth I wanted.
Breathing definitely helped in the first part of birthing and I used the tracks and affirmations to help.

Renae’s Twin Hypnobirth

Valencia and Elijah were born on 5 November, 16 minutes apart. Valencia weighed 5lb 15oz and Elijah weighed 5lb 5oz. 

I created a calm and peaceful atmosphere by using Jasmine scent in the oil diffuser, playing hypnobirthing tracks and rainforest sounds, using led candles around the room with all…

Sam’s Natural Vaginal Hypnobirth at 34+2wks

I just wanted to check in to let you know that Nigel and I received our son on the 13th Nov at 1.30am after a sudden 5.5 hour labour at 34+2 weeks. His name is Coby.

We came to the hospital as I was experiencing lower stomach cramps and I was advised if ever that was to happen to get them checked…

Shannon’s Hypnobirth “Trust in self is key!”

Waters broke 6.30am, Tuesday 4th August. I spent the day at home on my ball, applying essential oils, visualisations, relaxing, getting my fluids up and fuelling my body with nutritious foods so I was energised for the journey ahead. 4pm surges were 3-4min apart

Laura’s Positive Hypnobirth – Putting All Of Her Tools To Work

“Labour started spontaneously and we tried many of the hypnobirthing techniques to help me through the early surges including acupressure, aromatherapy and the hypnobirthing tracks.

Early Arrival of Hypnobub Billy

This hypno mum and partner recently brought their baby boy into the world unexpectedly, at only 32 weeks. Birth is so unpredictable, but they so brilliantly navigated their birth using techniques to stay focused and excepted the turn their birthing took. I thank them for sharing their experience…

Yolonda’s Positive Induction

Our birth was completely opposite to what we had imagined. But hypnobirthing gave us the confidence and knowledge to make the right decisions for ourselves. We ended up getting induced due to being over due 41 +3 days, as well as elevated blood pressure. We tried everything we could from 40 to 41 + 3…

Asher Arrives Under the Stars at Home

On Wednesday 26th February 2020, 13 days from the due date of our sixth child, I felt our little boy was going to join us very soon. Our other children had all arrived quite close to their due dates (our third daughter was earliest, being five days before), so I had almost relied on this knowledge being…

Kamal’s VBAC Story – Accidental Home Birth

After months of preparing, gaining knowledge and advocating for the birth I wanted, my little bundle of joy was born exactly on his expected due date. As a second time mum, I was feeling more empowered and informed of my choices and felt more confident with the extra preparation I had done e.g., hypnobirthing…