Laura’s Positive Hypnobirth – Putting All Of Her Tools To Work

Birth Story by Laura, Hypnobirthing Mum
Labour started spontaneously and we tried many of the hypnobirthing techniques to help me through the early surges including acupressure, aromatherapy and the hypnobirthing tracks. We went to the hospital and found out baby was posterior as I was having a lot of back pain. We again tried all we could to turn her including the lift and tuck and rebozo techniques which worked! The hypnobirthing tracks, Ryan’s light touch massage and calming words and the bubble of comfort technique helped me through each stronger surge. Labour was long (30 hours) and we had to take some turns from our birth plan (membrane release, oxytocin injection and episiotomy) to ensure our baby girl came out safely without having to have a c-section or the use of vacuum or forceps. We did this calmly and positively using many of the techniques you shared with us. I also used the surge breathing throughout the whole labour, which saved me having to get any form of pain relief. The midwives were so surprised at me for not asking for any, seeing as though my labour was so long.
We are now extremely happy to have such a beautiful healthy  baby girl – a hypno Bub
You can never predict how your birth will go or what tools and techniques you will call upon and rely on the most. And that this why the Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth program provides you with a whole tool box (metaphorically) so you can pick and choose what works best for you. If it’s a short labour, maybe you only use a few tools and if it’s a longer labour, like Hypnobirthing mum Laura above, we’ve got you covered with lot’s of tools to help you through your birth. 
Laura and her partner joined my Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Course via Zoom and learnt the knowledge and tools to achieve their positive birth from the comfort of their own home. We then had the opportunity to meet in person, as you can see from the photos, for their birth prep session, because Covid restrictions had eased. 

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