Cara’s Positive Induction Birth Story

Birth Story by Cara, Hypnobirthing Mum

“Was the most amazing experience

We had a New Year’s surprise… our little hypno bub came early 💙 Meet Lenny Thomas McGilvray born 2/1/21. 3.3kg all happy and healthy 🤗 
It wasn’t the birth that we had planned, but took everything on board and made it very positive. 
I was GBS positive – my membranes ruptured 11pm New Year’s Eve. I wasn’t having contractions so I was induced due to the risk of infection for bub. Laboured all naturally till 10pm. I had 1 vaginal examination, was only 3cm dilated, so ended up having an epidural & within 2 hrs I was fully dilated and delivered bub at 2am. 
Cody was amazing. He used light touch, had our hypnobirthing tracks playing the whole time, used the clary sage, our pressure points & I was calm the whole way through. 
It was the most amazing experience & thank you for everything you taught us in our hypnobirthing class. I honestly don’t think I would of been able to do it without it. 
Lenny has been super chilled, feeding and sleeping like a champion. 💙 
Just got off the phone from Cara now and just love hearing how positive and empowering the birth was for her and her partner and how they so beautifully took on all they had learnt to calmly meet whatever turn their birthing took. Hypnobirthing Stars!👌❤️ 

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