Early Arrival of Hypnobub Billy

Big love to this hypno mum and partner who recently brought their baby boy into the world a little unexpectedly, at only 32 weeks.
Birth is so unpredictable, but they so brilliantly navigated their birth using techniques to stay focused and excepted the turn their birthing took. I so thank them for sharing their experience below 👇
“… we had a very unexpected, early arrival on Sunday night (at 32 + 2) when Billy entered the world. It was a fast, one hour spontaneous labour and they’re unsure why I went so early (placenta was still in tact). It was all a blur but I was able to use the hypnobirthing breathing to get me through the contractions and birth pain free. He weighs 5″3 and is in NICU as he’s had some trouble with his little lungs. He’s gorgeous but has a bit of a journey ahead of him being so premature. Thank you for all your support throughout the pregnancy!”
This lovely couple joined my Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Course via Zoom and learnt the knowledge and tools to achieve their positive birth from the comfort of their own home. 
If you’re interested in doing the course via live, online Zoom sessions, please get in touch.
Otherwise, come and join a face-to-face Group Course. Click below and let’s get you booked in.

Join my Gold Coast Group Hypnobirthing Course