Yolonda’s Positive Induction

Birth Story by Yolonda, Hypnobirthing Mum
Our birth was completely opposite to what we had imagined. But hypnobirthing gave us the confidence and knowledge to make the right decisions for ourselves.
We ended up getting induced due to being over due 41 +3 days, as well as elevated blood pressure. We tried everything we could from 40 to 41 + 3 weeks to bring on labour naturally but our little one was way too comfy in there.
So we started our induction process on a Wednesday afternoon at the hospital with prostaglandin  gel. We only needed one dose to get things going which was great then my body starting doing some of the work from there.
We then had my waters broken the next morning at 7am. As well as the oxytocin drip started. My husband was playing the affirmations track and constantly being an amazing support.
The surges started getting very intense and close together very quickly and my body was struggling to keep up. So at about 9.30am i started on the gas and decided to change positions to leaning over the back of the bed. At 2.30pm I requested an epidural as my body was just so exhausted and I really needed that break.
Once I had the epidural I was able to have a bit of a rest and luckily I did as I was able to prepare myself for what was to come. At about 9pm I was fully dilated but my midwife wanted to wait until 10pm to start pushing to give baby time to come down a little further on her own.
At 10pm we were able to start pushing. We were pushing for 2 hours when she had failed to progress. At this point the doctors came in and checked over me and baby. She was a little stuck and my heart rate was getting too high.
They said it wasn’t an option for me to keep going so they took us to theatre to try forceps delivery or if that fails a c-section.
Once we were in theatre I concentrated on the fact that one way or another I was about to meet my baby and I was determined to push this baby out, I did not want to get that c-section so as those surges came I pushed as hard as I could and it took 3 surges/pushes and we were able to deliver her with forceps at 1.15am on the Friday morning. Our amazing midwife made sure we still got the delayed cord clamping and immediate skin to skin as we wanted.
It was the complete opposite birth experience I had imagined myself having, but we were still able to make our own informed decisions of what we felt at the time. After a few ups and downs it was still my amazing birth and I am so happy to have a beautiful healthy baby girl.
So wonderful catching up with this lovely couple on the phone and hearing about their birth. Listening to how empowered and positive they were about their birth was heart warming.
Each step of the way they made informed decisions and used their tools to stay calm and kept working towards what they wanted and what was right for them. This is hypnobirthing at it’s best!
They were prepared to meet whatever turn their birthing took and when they were faced with an obstacle, they had the knowledge and tools to navigate through and in the end achieved a positive birth experience.

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