Zoe’s Empowered and Informed Induction Birth Story

Birth Story by Zoe, Hypnobirthing Mum

We definitely wouldn’t have had as smooth an experience if we hadn’t done the hypnobirthing classes.

Ben and I would like to introduce you to baby Lenny! Leonard Terrence Marshall born 24.02.21
I was booked in to be induced on the 24th (my due date). My waters were broken and then had the syntocinon drip to bring on labour. The surges came on pretty quickly. I practiced the hypnobirthing techniques you taught us for the first few hours. I was glad I felt the waves and intensity of the surges at the start. I went on to have a vaginal birth (which was my main preference) with the help of an epidural. 
Everything went really smoothly in the end. We definitely wouldn’t have had as smooth an experience if we hadn’t done the hypnobirthing classes before hand. The knowledge we got from the classes really set us up to have an informed & empowered birth on our terms 🙌 thanks Kate!!
Xx Zoe, Ben & Lenny

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