Tessa and Jacob’s hospital water birth and 2nd hynobirth

“There was instant relief when I hit the water and Layne was out nice and quickly with just a second degree tear and no problems to my episiotomy I had with Remi. I just wanted to share with you how beautiful my second birth was with our second baby girl Layne….

Georgia’s Intense, Empowering, Intervention Free Hypnobirth

“If it wasn’t for the education and empowerment we received from Kate through her hypnobirthing course, being lucky enough to be in the MGP program and having an amazing, supportive midwife who was a huge believer in hypnobirthing and natural birth, plus the support of Matt and the way he believed in me and supported me I don’t know if our birth would have turned out the way it did.”

Ally’s Beautiful Healing Water Birth

We did it! Everything we’d practiced, visualised and prepared for.
This birth was so beautiful and healing for me as a Mother and the amount of growth that has come from this as a couple and family was so much more than I could have ever hoped for.