Chanae’s Empowered Natural Hypnobirth

“13 hours of completely natural and unmedicated labour our beautiful girl was born just before 6am… I was absolutely euphoric holding our beautiful baby we had been eagerly awaiting. It was truly the birth of my dreams.”

Natalie’s Natural Water Hypnobirth

“I instinctively felt the need to turn my body around with my back to the bath’s edge and my hands gripping the edge. I seemed to be in some kind of spider man pose and I remember hearing Ellen say, that’s it, that’s your position.”

Megan’s Positive Induction Hypnobirth with Beautiful 9.2lb Bub

“… pushed a big 9.2 lbs bub, the doctors were so doubtful of me being able to push him out myself, but I proved them wrong.”

Mel’s Empowering & Healing VBAC

“At 6.40am, Makybe was born, 9.6pounds/4.35 kilograms! I got my delayed cord clamping & golden hour as requested too. It was the most empowering & healing birth, the complete opposite to my first birth & I  am so happy I was well informed & trusted my gut instinct & body.”

Gina and Donny’s Natural Twin Hypnobirth

“Everything is still surreal. As I look at my two beautiful girls I am so proud of what I achieved, backing myself & trusting in my innate abilities & in my babies to birth them. All the midwives at the hospital told me that it’s a rare sighting for them to see these days.”

Kirstin’s Calm and Healing Hypnobirth with Induction

“I found it really manageable with all these techniques… 5 hours in and I instinctively wanted to change positions. I laid on my side on the bed with a peanut ball between my legs and on each contraction I internally rotated my top leg to open the lower half of my pelvis, allowing baby to move down.”

Mikaela’s Undisturbed 4.5hr Hypnobirth in the Water at Home

“I could feel the “ring of fire” as his head was coming out. Our little boy was caught by Cam [birth partner] and passed through to me at 7:50pm. My total labour was about 4.5 hours and I was involuntarily pushing for about 1.5 hours….I can’t wait to birth again at home. It was a beautiful, empowering experience.”

Yolonda’s 2nd Hypnobirth. Beautiful 9 pound 15oz bub born naturally with no tearing!

“He was a big boy measuring at 55cms long and 4520grams (9 pound 15oz) and I also had no tearing!”

Lauren’s Intense, But Magical Posterior Hypnobirth

“Then I just instinctively knew I had to change positions… and then birthed him about 5-10 minutes later at 7.21am in the pool and received him myself which was just the most special moment in my entire life…” 💙

Katie’s Story of Baby Ayla’s Birth – A Magical Maternal Assisted CS Delivery

“When the time came, I was given long sterile gloves and the drape was lowered after baby’s head was out. She made the tiniest little noise but did not cry. The lights were dimmed and I reached over and grabbed her under her arms and pulled her out to my chest.”