Yolonda’s 2nd Hypnobirth. Beautiful 9 pound 15oz bub born naturally with no tearing!

Birth Story by Yolonda, Hypnobirthing Mum

“He was a big boy measuring at 55cms long and 4520grams (9 pound 15oz) and I also had no tearing!”

So excited to read this message from Yolonda who did my Hypnobirthing Australia™ course in 2020 and went on to use her techniques to have an awesome 2nd birth.
Yolonda writes 👇:
“I wanted to let you know how amazing our birth of Lennon was ☺️ Especially because I have seen a few posts from you lately in regards to bigger babies!
We are very grateful we were able to be apart of the MGP again and our midwife Tate was really supportive of a natural birth as we really wanted to avoid being induced this time around. 
My waters broke pre labour at 41+1wks at 10.30am and contractions started quickly after. Things speed along really quickly and we decided to go to hospital at about 12.15pm, got to the birthing suite at 12.45pm, into the pool, and he was born at 1.55pm! 
He was a big boy measuring at 55cms long and 4520grams (9 pound 15oz) and I also had no tearing! 
Lennon did have Shoulder dystocia so we tried a few different positions in the pool, but he wasn’t coming past his eyes so Tate got me to stand out of the water put my knee up on the bath and with little help he was out.
It was such a different experience this time round and even though we didn’t have much time pre birth to prep for our birth like we did for number one, it was amazing how much of hypnobirthing was ingrained into us from our birth with Frankie.”
“Would highly recommend Kate at Positively Hypnobirthing to everyone having a baby! Me and my husband feel like we have learnt so much and can go into our birth more confidently. It really teaches you a lot, especially compared to the hospital classes. It also helped me stay calm and positive throughout my pregnancy.
Kate is also such a lovely person and just genuinely wants the best for you.
We are so happy we took the leap to do it, it is 100% worth it!”

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