“I had heard of hypnobirthing from a friend a few years ago who used the techniques and told me she had an amazing birth. When signing up for the course, all I hoped for was that I would get some techniques that would help me to remain calm and in control during my birth. What I actually got was so much more. I feel prepared to face whatever comes my way, I am not afraid of what is ahead, and crazy enough – I’m actually excited about giving birth!! My husband is an engineer, so is very analytical and at first was a bit sceptical when I told him I had signed us up for the classes but was willing to go along with it for me. But after each class he would comment that it all just made so much sense! The explanations about how our body and mind works, the information about the chemistry and mechanics that you can use to your advantage – each time Kate finished a session he was completely on board with what we had just

discussed and often went away to research and find out even more information.

I think the best thing about the classes are that it helps both mum and dad prepare for what’s to come. I feel prepared and in tune with my body, and I’ve regained control of what seemed like an uncontrollable situation so much so that even if everything goes pair-shaped on the day, I know I’ll be in control of my mind and my body still. My husband knows what his role is, and actually feels like a really important part of the birth process. He is confident in how to support me and how to handle different situations when under certain pressures. Most importantly, we’re ready to do this as a team to get the best outcome for us!!”